Failed to open \EFI\UBUNTU\*garbled* - Invalid parameter

Solution 1:

I've investigated how to repair the grub boot. Finally, I found the solution with the following commands:

  1. sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair

  2. sudo apt install -y boot-repair

  3. boot-repair

But, when I subsequently boot into Windows, and then I restart to login to Ubuntu, the same problem occurs.

I have BIOS version:

  • Windows 10 Pro Version 1909
  • Ubuntu 20.04.20 LTS

Solution 2:

What worked for me was to name the FAT32 partition and then from windows terminal locate the ubuntu folder and just adding grubx64.efi.gbr

Naming your FAT32 partition (If you have already done this then ignore this part) :

Open Windows terminal as admin

  1. Chose Diskpart :

    C:\WINDOWS\system32> diskpart       
  2. Find out the Disk number of your FAT32 partition

    DISKPART> list vol                    `
  3. Select Volume (Here 2 is an example volume number)

    DISKPART> sel vol 2                    `
  4. Naming the volume :

    DISKPART> assign letter=E:              `
  5. Exit Diskpart :

    DISKPART> exit                          `

Fixing the Grub :

  1. First

     C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd /d E:     
  2. Then

     E:\> ls EFI
  3. Next

     E:\>cd EFI
  4. Next

     E:\EFI>cd ubuntu
  5. Next

     E:\EFI\ubuntu> touch grubx64.efi.gbr
  6. Now revert back to C Drive and set path to grub as default :

    E:\EFI\ubuntu> cd /d C:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32> bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi
  7. Reboot Your Computer and it should work.