Process onclick function after ajax call <f:ajax>

Solution 1:

The onevent handler will actually be invoked three times and it should point to a function name, not the function itself. One time before the ajax request is been sent, one time after the ajax response is been arrived and one time when the HTML DOM is successfully updated. You should be checking the status property of the given data argument for that.

function listener(data) {
    var status = data.status; // Can be "begin", "complete" or "success".

    switch (status) {
        case "begin": // Before the ajax request is sent.
            // ...

        case "complete": // After the ajax response is arrived.
            // ...

        case "success": // After update of HTML DOM based on ajax response..
            // ...

In your particular case, you thus just need to add a check if the status is success.

function myFunc(data) {
    if (data.status == "success") {
        var element = document.getElementById('form:#{bean.componentId}');

And you need to reference the function by its name:

<f:ajax ... onevent="myFunc" />