Uploading and downloading via ftp with iPhone SDK

Solution 1:

You can use this. It support all the basic ftp operations:

Download file
Upload file
Delete file
Delete directory
Create directory
List directory contents

[DISCLAIMER] I am the developer of the library, I needed a ftp library too in the past and came over this answer. However, I decided to write one myself because s7ftprequest didn't support at that point several operations that I needed.(like download or list directory)

Solution 2:

Try this Simple FTP Download

Solution 3:

The Apple documentation will provide far more info in general than I could. Have a look at:


which details the FTP information you need. If you prefer a PDF with all the networking info in it, have a look at:


In this, you'll be particularly interested in Chapter 5. Both detail working with FTP sites, including uploading, downloading, retrieving directory listings, etc.

Solution 4:

s7ftprequest only for uploading files to FTP.

The below is sample code from apple



  • FTPS (that is, FTP over TLS)
  • deleting items
  • renaming items
  • other less common FTP commands
  • custom FTP commands