"Text Editor" is not responding

  1. ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  2. shell version - GNOME Shell 3.36.9

  3. gedit version - gedit - Version 3.36.2

When I click 'wait' nothing happened:

Gedit ScreenShot

What I did:

I run gedit from termial and its not come back to my home path. So I input ctrl+Z.

Terminal ScreenShot

Pressing Ctrl+z in the terminal, you suspended the running process, in this case the editor gedit. If you then attempt to close it, you get the screen you see because the app is not responding - you made it not responsive because you suspended it.

Type bg to send the suspended foreground process to the background and resume it. The command prompt will be released for you to enter another command, and gedit will continue to run.

To immediately send the process to the background while you launch it, add & to the command as in gedit &.