I think I have horribly destroyed my Packages and am unable to install google chrome on 20.04 Server

Solution 1:

"But then I can run 'sudo apt-get update' again and I get exactly the same. Shouldn't it kinda tick chrome off the list and not keep trying to update it every time?"

No, of course not. Every time you run sudo apt update, you are telling the system to check ALL sources for their lists of all available packages. Checking only a few sources is pointless; some sources update several times each day.

Updating is harmless and quick. Let the system update the way it's supposed to.

"I then do 'sudo apt-get update', which gets 53 packages."

No, it doesn't. Running update gets only updates your local database of packages that are available for download. It doesn't download any actual packages. Running upgrade will download the actual 53 packages.

"I still face my original issue from way up the top of google chrome not being installed. Any way to work out why these packages won't actually install?"

Stop. Your output is from update, not from upgrade. You're not telling the system to install anything. Your output is completely normal.

"If I go through the process to install google chrome again, I get this:"

STOP running the same install instructions over and over and re-adding Google sources to apt. Each time you do that, you need to go back and remove the duplicate you added to your sources. (You already know how to do that).

Maybe you have a problem installing Chrome. Maybe you don't. You have several other misunderstandings about how apt works (and mistakes to correct) before you are ready to install Chrome. Apt is super-easy to learn and super-easy to use properly. But it DOES need to be learned, so take a few minutes and do that first.