How do I install cuda for Ubuntu studio 21.04?

  • OS: Ubuntu studio 21.04.
  • GPU: GeForce GTX 980

It's an operating system that has pre-installed software like the animation software called blender. I downloaded the operating system here:

But when I try running blender, it tells me I can't use the graphics card because of a Cuda software issue so it will use the CPU instead. My graphics card is a GeForce GTX 980 and I know that it's compatible with Cuda by running the command

lspci | grep -i nvidia

After I ran that command, I get: 2d:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM204 [GeForce GTX 980] (rev a1) So I'm assuming that means it should work because it has the word compatible in the sentence.

When I go to the cuda website it says that the latest supported ubuntu version is Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, not the 21.04 version I have.

The tutorial I found online didn't work for me.

I also tried this But the terminal says The following packages have unmet dependencies: libcuinj64-11.2 Recommends: libnvcuvid1 but it is not installable

Does anyone have a working method of installing Cuda on Ubuntu studio 21.04?

Solution 1:

I solved my issue by learning from this tutorial.

The commands I used were:

  • sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
  • sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460
  • sudo reboot

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Now my graphics card works with blender.

I think the issue was: that the nvidia driver version that was auto installed was the wrong one. I remember seeing the phrase "unmet dependencies" and nvidia 460 the first round I tried installing cuda but didnt think nothing of it. But in the new install method, I looked up possible nvidia driver installations with the command ubuntu-drivers devices that listed a reccomended nvidia 470 driver. At first I tried doing that with the command sudo apt install nvidia-driver-470 then trying to re-install cuda with the sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit command but it didnt work. Only When I installed the older version of nivida with the sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460 command did it work.