Does "Perfect Storm" have a positive meaning?

A "perfect storm" is not normally good news for anybody but the storm itself, but it appears that the speaker being quoted is using it in a positive sense. Social gaming, in this metaphor, would be the storm rather than something that would be subject to the storm's force. It was probably not the best way to phrase it, but an off-the-cuff statement given during an interview is not normally subject to a lot of editing and revision.

The key element of the (much overused and irritating, IMO) metaphor here is that of a synergy of forces leading to a release of energy much greater than any of its individual contributors would ever generate. It may be that the speaker is ignoring the "storm" part, i.e. that the energy release is destructive, but possibly not; it's not uncommon to notice that transformative new media are broadly destructive to the old media they replace.