In Flask convert form POST object into a representation suitable for mongodb

Solution 1:

>>> from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict
>>> imd = ImmutableMultiDict([('default', u''), ('required', u'on'), ('name', u'short_text'), ('name', u'another'), ('submit', u'Submit')])
>>> imd.to_dict(flat=False)
>>> {'default': [''], 
'name': ['short_text', 'another'],
'required': ['on'],
'submit': ['Submit']}

.to_dict(flat=False) is the thing to keep in mind. See the relevant documentation

Solution 2:

The Flask ImmutableMultiDict data structure has a built in to_dict method.

This knowledge in addition to the Flask request object form property being an ImmutableMultiDict allows for simple handling of a form POST request to MongoDB.

See below for a naive example:

from flask import request

@app.route('/api/v1/account', methods=['POST'])
def create_account():
    """Create user account"""
    account_dict = request.form.to_dict()
