Wifi adaptor not working even with ubuntu driver

Solution 1:

In our chat, in an attempt to find the reason that the driver would not start as expected, we examined the make.log created by the dkms install. It is riddled with warnings: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/smwRJsWQtW/

I suggested that, instead, we install this driver: https://github.com/lwfinger/rtw88.git When we examined the result of ‘make’, we saw that it proceeded perfectly, with no errors or warnings at all. I recommended that you keep this driver and remove the previous dkms install.

This driver must be reinstalled every time that Update Manager offers a newer kernel version. After the requested reboot, with a temporary internet connection by ethernet, tethering or whatever means possible, do:

cd rtw88
make clean
git pull
sudo make install
sudo modprobe rtw_8821ce

Your wireless should be working again. Please retain the rtw88 file and these instructions for that time.

Finally, after disabling Secure Boot, your wireless is working as expected.