Install Ubuntu 20.04 on Asus G15

Solution 1:

So these are the steps I follow to install Ubuntu 20.04 on Asus G15. The culprit is the graphics driver.

  1. install without checking "Install third-party software".
  2. boot in recovery mode
  3. enable Networking
  4. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
  5. sudo apt install nvidia-prime
  6. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  7. create /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
  1. edit /etc/default/grub and append nomodeset after quite splash
  2. sudo update-grub
  3. sudo reboot now


  1. I'm not sure if any commands above can be ignored.
  2. Since you are logging in as a root shell, sudo is not required (because you are already a root user).
  3. There are possibilities to install proprietary drivers
sudo ubuntu-drivers install


sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460

but I did not take risks.

  1. I have seen stuff like this or this, which may be helpful, but probably not mandatory. It is still good to know though.