For i = 0, why is (i += i++) equal to 0?

Take the following code (usable as a Console Application):

static void Main(string[] args)
    int i = 0;
    i += i++;

The result of i is 0. I expected 2 (as some of my colleagues did). Probably the compiler creates some sort of structure that results in i being zero.

The reason I expected 2 is that, in my line of thought, the right hand statement would be evaluated first, incrementing i with 1. Than it is added to i. Since i is already 1, it is adding 1 to 1. So 1 + 1 = 2. Obviously this is not what's happening.

Can you explain what the compiler does or what happens at runtime? Why is the result zero?

Some-sort-of-disclaimer: I'm absolutely aware you won't (and probably shouldn't) use this code. I know I never will. Nevertheless, I find it is interesting to know why it acts in such a way and what is happening exactly.


int i = 0;
i += i++

Can be seen as you doing (the following is a gross oversimplification):

int i = 0;
i = i + i; // i=0 because the ++ is a postfix operator and hasn't been executed
i + 1; // Note that you are discarding the calculation result

What actually happens is more involved than that - take a look at MSDN, 7.5.9 Postfix increment and decrement operators:

The run-time processing of a postfix increment or decrement operation of the form x++ or x-- consists of the following steps:

  • If x is classified as a variable:

    • x is evaluated to produce the variable.
    • The value of x is saved.
    • The selected operator is invoked with the saved value of x as its argument.
    • The value returned by the operator is stored in the location given by the evaluation of x.
    • The saved value of x becomes the result of the operation.

Note that due to order of precedence, the postfix ++ occurs before +=, but the result ends up being unused (as the previous value of i is used).

A more thorough decomposition of i += i++ to the parts it is made of requires one to know that both += and ++ are not atomic (that is, neither one is a single operation), even if they look like they are. The way these are implemented involve temporary variables, copies of i before the operations take place - one for each operation. (I will use the names iAdd and iAssign for the temporary variables used for ++ and += respectively).

So, a closer approximation to what is happening would be:

int i = 0;
int iAdd = i; // Copy of the current value of i, for ++
int iAssign = i; // Copy of the current value of i, for +=

i = i + 1; // i++ - Happens before += due to order of precedence
i = iAdd + iAssign;

Disassembly of the running code:

int i = 0;
  xor         edx, edx
  mov         dword ptr i, edx         // set i = 0
i += i++;
  mov         eax, dword ptr i         // set eax = i (=0)
  mov         dword ptr tempVar1, eax  // set tempVar1 = eax (=0)
  mov         eax, dword ptr i         // set eax = 0 ( again... why??? =\ )
  mov         dword ptr tempVar2, eax  // set tempVar2 = eax (=0)
  inc         dword ptr i              // set i = i+1 (=1)
  mov         eax, dword ptr tempVar1  // set eax = tempVar1 (=0)
  add         eax, dword ptr tempVar2  // set eax = eax+tempVar2 (=0)
  mov         dword ptr i, eax         // set i = eax (=0)

Equivalent code

It compiles to the same code as the following code:

int i, tempVar1, tempVar2;
i = 0;
tempVar1 = i; // created due to postfix ++ operator
tempVar2 = i; // created due to += operator
i = tempVar1 + tempVar2;

Disassembly of the second code (just to prove they are the same)

int i, tempVar1, tempVar2;
i = 0;
    xor         edx, edx
    mov         dword ptr i, edx
tempVar1 = i; // created due to postfix ++ operator
    mov         eax, dword ptr i
    mov         dword ptr tempVar1, eax
tempVar2 = i; // created due to += operator
    mov         eax, dword ptr i
    mov         dword ptr tempVar2, eax
    inc         dword ptr i
i = tempVar1 + tempVar2;
    mov         eax, dword ptr tempVar1
    add         eax, dword ptr tempVar2
    mov         dword ptr i, eax

Opening disassembly window

Most people don't know, or even don't remember, that they can see the final in-memory assembly code, using Visual Studio Disassembly window. It shows the machine code that is being executed, it is not CIL.

Use this while debuging:

Debug (menu) -> Windows (submenu) -> Disassembly

So what is happening with postfix++?

The postfix++ tells that we'd like to increment the value of the operand after the evaluation... that everybody knows... what confuses a bit is the meaning of "after the evaluation".

So what does "after the evaluation" means:

  • other usages of the operand, on the same line of code must be affected:
    • a = i++ + i the second i is affected by the increment
    • Func(i++, i) the second i is affected
  • other usages on the same line respect short-circuit operator like || and &&:
    • (false && i++ != i) || i == 0 the third i is not affected by i++ because it is not evaluated

So what is the meaning of: i += i++;?

It is the same as i = i + i++;

The order of evaluation is:

  1. Store i + i (that is 0 + 0)
  2. Increment i (i becomes 1)
  3. Assign the value of step 1 to i (i becomes 0)

Not that the increment is being discarded.

What is the meaning of: i = i++ + i;?

This is not the same as the previous example. The 3rd i is affected by the increment.

The order of evaluation is:

  1. Store i (that is 0)
  2. Increment i (i becomes 1)
  3. Store value of step 1 + i (that is 0 + 1)
  4. Assign the value of step 3 to i (i becomes 1)