SpeedFan not detecting fans

Solution 1:

(You seem to be pursuing this question on various websites.)

In general, your motherboard is problematic to both Speedfan and SIV (example link).

I would suggest first to check that you are running the latest BIOS version, which is currently version F23f released on 2018/03/09. If you wish to update, ensure first that you have backups for everything.

Check to see that your fans are visible in the BIOS. If not, then it is unlikely that Speedfan can do any better.

Latest versions of Speedfan support the new Advanced Fan Control. You might give this a try to see if it can help. Try also SIV to see if it does any better in detecting the fans.

I remark that your motherboard is not listed as being able to change fan speeds (link to list). If you ever manage to make this work, you might consider adding yours to the list.