Change placeholder text

How can I change the placeholder text of an input element?

For example I have 3 inputs of type text.

<input type="text" name="Email" placeholder="Some Text">
<input type="text" name="First Name" placeholder="Some Text">
<input type="text" name="Last Name"placeholder="Some Text">

How can I change the Some Text text using JavaScript or jQuery?

Solution 1:

If you wanna use Javascript then you can use getElementsByName() method to select the input fields and to change the placeholder for each one... see the below code...

document.getElementsByName('Email')[0].placeholder='new text for email';
document.getElementsByName('First Name')[0].placeholder='new text for fname';
document.getElementsByName('Last Name')[0].placeholder='new text for lname';

Otherwise use jQuery:

$('input:text').attr('placeholder','Some New Text');

Solution 2:

This solution uses jQuery. If you want to use same placeholder text for all text inputs, you can use

$('input:text').attr('placeholder','Some New Text');

And if you want different placeholders, you can use the element's id to change placeholder

$('#element1_id').attr('placeholder','Some New Text 1');
$('#element2_id').attr('placeholder','Some New Text 2');

Solution 3:

var input = document.getElementById ("IdofInput");
input.placeholder = "No need to fill this field";

You can find out more about placeholder here:

Solution 4:

Using jquery you can do this by following code:

<input type="text" id="tbxEmail" name="Email" placeholder="Some Text"/>

$('#tbxEmail').attr('placeholder','Some New Text');