How to force policy-kit agent to show full information about command line arguments

Solution 1:

The variable responsible for full command line with arguments is command_line. To change it, one can create a custom policy as man pkexec page suggests.

However, I've ended up editing LC_MESSAGES. My locale is en_US, so I've done these steps:

  1. copied /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
  2. unpacked it with msgunfmt -o polkit-1.po
  3. edited polkit-1.po
msgid "Authentication is needed to run `$(program)' as the super user"
msgstr "Authentication is needed to run '$(program)' as the super user"


msgid "Authentication is needed to run `$(program)' as the super user"
msgstr "Authentication is needed to run '$(program)' ('$(command_line)') as the super user"

and several similar lines too.

  1. packed it back with msgfmt polkit-1.po -o
  2. put it into /usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/
  3. restarted polkit daemon systemctl restart polkit

And now I can get the full command enter image description here