What is the software that is pre-installed in Ubuntu?

I would like to know the software that is pre-installed in Ubuntu.

I know this website: https://packages.ubuntu.com/, but in the website all the packages of Ubuntu are mentioned.

I want to know all software that comes pre-installed (from a website like https://packages.ubuntu.com/) without installing Ubuntu Desktop OS in my device.

Please let me know if this is possible.

My question is not a duplicate of How to get a list of preinstalled packages? and Which pre-installed apps ship with the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop installation? because of the following reasons:

  • .manifest file shows the packages that are included in a live image, not the packages that are present in a fresh installation (explained in this comment: https://askubuntu.com/posts/comments/2308852).

  • Running the following command is not possible as I want to know the list of software without installing Ubuntu.

    dpkg -S desktop | grep "\.desktop$" | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/://' | sort -u

You can read the *.manifest file to determine list of pre-installed packages.

Example links are below:

  • Ubuntu LTS - https://releases.ubuntu.com/
  • Ubuntu MATE LTS - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/

Also it is useful to check ISO contents (*.list file), it may have Nvidia drivers included, see below:

  • Ubuntu LTS - https://releases.ubuntu.com/
  • Ubuntu MATE LTS - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/

These lists seem to have what you want:

  • Software that comes with Ubuntu minimal install

  • Additional software that comes with Ubuntu normal installation.