How to install fonts in 20.04

My fresh version of ubuntu 20.04 doesn't have the font "Times new roman" and others. How do I get them? I tried this path:
That didn't work. I tried to restart also. I also tried

How to install Arial font (and other Windows fonts) in ubuntu?

In the comments section I found an alternative method but I'm stuck in the last step. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance :).

Alternative method from Stefan1:

sudo mkdir ~/ms-fonts/
cd ms-fonts
sudo wget ***
sudo tar -xzf webfonts.tar.gz
cd msfonts
sudo apt install cabextract
sudo cabextract *.exe
sudo cp *.ttf *.TTF ~/.local/share/fonts/
sudo fc-cache -vr

I replaced the *** with www otherwise it wouldn't work. But the next last step ( sudo cp *.ttf *.TTF ~/.local/share/fonts/ ) gives me problems. The terminal "says" there's no folder. What to do? I have a folder called usr/local/share/fonts but it's empty, is that the one where they need to go? And how do I get them there?

Here is the terminal output after trying the alternative method:

m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~$ sudo mkdir ~/ms-fonts/
[sudo] password for m: 
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~$ cd ms-fonts
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$  sudo wget ***
--2021-07-03 18:17:58--  http://***
Resolving *** (*** failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘***’
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$  sudo wget
--2021-07-03 18:18:47--
Resolving (, 2610:10:20:722:a800:ff:feda:470f
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2021-07-03 18:18:48--
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3326635 (3.2M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘webfonts.tar.gz’

webfonts.tar.gz     100%[===================>]   3.17M   860KB/s    in 3.9s    

2021-07-03 18:18:52 (826 KB/s) - ‘webfonts.tar.gz’ saved [3326635/3326635]

m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$ ls
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$  sudo tar -xzf webfonts.tar.gz
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$ ls
msfonts  webfonts.tar.gz
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts$ cd msfonts/
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts/msfonts$  sudo apt install cabextract
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
cabextract is already the newest version (1.9-3).
cabextract set to manually installed.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra gstreamer1.0-vaapi
  libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 libva-wayland2
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts/msfonts$  sudo cabextract *.exe
Extracting cabinet: andale32.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting andale.inf
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting AndaleMo.TTF
  extracting ADVPACK.DLL
  extracting W95INF32.DLL
  extracting W95INF16.DLL
Extracting cabinet: arial32.exe
  extracting FONTINST.EXE
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Ariali.TTF
  extracting Arialbd.TTF
  extracting Arialbi.TTF
  extracting Arial.TTF
Extracting cabinet: arialb32.exe
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting AriBlk.TTF
Extracting cabinet: comic32.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Comicbd.TTF
  extracting Comic.TTF
  extracting fontinst.exe
Extracting cabinet: courie32.exe
  extracting cour.ttf
  extracting courbd.ttf
  extracting courbi.ttf
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting couri.ttf
  extracting fontinst.exe
Extracting cabinet: georgi32.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Georgiaz.TTF
  extracting Georgiab.TTF
  extracting Georgiai.TTF
  extracting Georgia.TTF
  extracting fontinst.exe
Extracting cabinet: impact32.exe
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting Impact.TTF
  extracting fontinst.inf
Extracting cabinet: times32.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Times.TTF
  extracting Timesbd.TTF
  extracting Timesbi.TTF
  extracting Timesi.TTF
  extracting FONTINST.EXE
Extracting cabinet: trebuc32.exe
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting Trebucit.TTF
  extracting Trebuc.TTF
  extracting Trebucbd.TTF
  extracting Trebucbi.TTF
  extracting fontinst.inf
Extracting cabinet: verdan32.exe
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Verdanab.TTF
  extracting Verdanai.TTF
  extracting Verdanaz.TTF
  extracting Verdana.TTF
Extracting cabinet: webdin32.exe
  extracting fontinst.exe
  extracting Webdings.TTF
  extracting fontinst.inf
  extracting Licen.TXT

All done, no errors.
m@m-ThinkPad-T520:~/ms-fonts/msfonts$  sudo cp *.ttf *.TTF ~/.local/share/fonts/
cp: target '/home/m/.local/share/fonts/' is not a directory

Solution 1:

After following Michal Przybylowicz's advice it is working.

I used the following command for installing the fonts:

sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer


sudo fc-cache -fv to update the fonts cache and

fc-list to list all the installed fonts.