Déjà Dup Backups skips Steam directory

I enabled periodic backups in Ubuntu 20.04 using Ubuntu's built-in Backups tool (Déjà Dup). I back-up my entire home directory and don't ignore any folders. Back-ups are executed every week.

Today I tried to restore my ~/.steam directory, only to find out that:

$ duplicity --file-to-restore ~/.steam file:///media/Backups/saibot ~/.steam

Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: Thu Apr 29 05:30:39 2021
home/serrano/.steam not found in archive - no files restored.

The .steam directory is not even backed-up. I verified this using:

$ duplicity list-current-files file:///media/Backups/saibot | grep -F .steam

But if I try to restore any other directory in my home directory, for example ~/.vim or ~/Documents, it works just fine.

Why is the .steam directory not being backed-up? Note that I don't specified any folders to ignore.

Solution 1:

Apparently it's a bug in Déjà Dup. I quote one of the developers comment on this bug here:

This one is tricky because steamapps isn't the only content in that directory that we don't care about.