safe enough 8-character short unique random string

I am trying to compute 8-character short unique random filenames for, let's say, thousands of files without probable name collision. Is this method safe enough?



To be clearer, I am trying to achieve simplest possible obfuscation of filenames being uploaded to a storage.

I figured out that 8-character string, random enough, would be very efficient and simple way to store tens of thousands of files without probable collision, when implemented right. I don't need guaranteed uniqueness, only high-enough improbability of name collision (talking about only thousands of names).

Files are being stored in concurrent environment, so incrementing shared counter is achievable, but complicated. Storing counter in database would be inefficient.

I am also facing the fact that random() under some circumstances returns same pseudorandom sequences in different processes.

Your current method should be safe enough, but you could also take a look into the uuid module. e.g.

import uuid

print str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]



Which method has less collisions, is faster and easier to read?


The random_choice is the fastest, has fewer collisions but is IMO slightly harder to read.

The most readable is shortuuid_random but is an external dependency and is slightly slower and has 6x the collisions.

The methods

alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
su = shortuuid.ShortUUID(alphabet=alphabet)

def random_choice():
    return ''.join(random.choices(alphabet, k=8))

def truncated_uuid4():
    return str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]

def shortuuid_random():
    return su.random(length=8)

def secrets_random_choice():
    return ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(8))


All methods generate 8-character UUIDs from the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 alphabet. Collisions are calculated from a single run with 10 million draws. Time is reported in seconds as average function execution ± standard deviation, both calculated over 100 runs of 1,000 draws. Total time is the total execution time of the collision testing.

random_choice: collisions 22 - time (s) 0.00229 ± 0.00016 - total (s) 29.70518
truncated_uuid4: collisions 11711 - time (s) 0.00439 ± 0.00021 - total (s) 54.03649
shortuuid_random: collisions 124 - time (s) 0.00482 ± 0.00029 - total (s) 51.19624
secrets_random_choice: collisions 15 - time (s) 0.02113 ± 0.00072 - total (s) 228.23106


  • the default shortuuid alphabet has uppercase characters, hence creating fewer collision. To make it a fair comparison we need to select the same alphabet as the other methods.
  • the secrets methods token_hex and token_urlsafe while possibly faster, have different alphabets, hence not eligible for the comparison.
  • the alphabet and class-based shortuuid methods are factored out as module variables, hence speeding up the method execution. This should not affect the TLDR.

Full testing details

import random
import secrets
from statistics import mean
from statistics import stdev
import string
import time
import timeit
import uuid

import shortuuid

alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
su = shortuuid.ShortUUID(alphabet=alphabet)

def random_choice():
    return ''.join(random.choices(alphabet, k=8))

def truncated_uuid4():
    return str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]

def shortuuid_random():
    return su.random(length=8)

def secrets_random_choice():
    return ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(8))

def test_collisions(fun):
    out = set()
    count = 0
    for _ in range(10_000_000):
        new = fun()
        if new in out:
            count += 1
    return count

def run_and_print_results(fun):
    round_digits = 5
    now = time.time()
    collisions = test_collisions(fun)
    total_time = round(time.time() - now, round_digits)

    trials = 1_000
    runs = 100
    func_time = timeit.repeat(fun, repeat=runs, number=trials)
    avg = round(mean(func_time), round_digits)
    std = round(stdev(func_time), round_digits)

    print(f'{fun.__name__}: collisions {collisions} - '
          f'time (s) {avg} ± {std} - '
          f'total (s) {total_time}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Is there a reason you can't use tempfile to generate the names?

Functions like mkstemp and NamedTemporaryFile are absolutely guaranteed to give you unique names; nothing based on random bytes is going to give you that.

If for some reason you don't actually want the file created yet (e.g., you're generating filenames to be used on some remote server or something), you can't be perfectly safe, but mktemp is still safer than random names.

Or just keep a 48-bit counter stored in some "global enough" location, so you guarantee going through the full cycle of names before a collision, and you also guarantee knowing when a collision is going to happen.

They're all safer, and simpler, and much more efficient than reading urandom and doing an md5.

If you really do want to generate random names, ''.join(random.choice(my_charset) for _ in range(8)) is also going to be simpler than what you're doing, and more efficient. Even urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6)) is just as random as the MD5 hash, and simpler and more efficient.

The only benefit of the cryptographic randomness and/or cryptographic hash function is in avoiding predictability. If that's not an issue for you, why pay for it? And if you do need to avoid predictability, you almost certainly need to avoid races and other much simpler attacks, so avoiding mkstemp or NamedTemporaryFile is a very bad idea.

Not to mention that, as Root points out in a comment, if you need security, MD5 doesn't actually provide it.

You can try the shortuuid library.

Install with : pip install shortuuid

Then it is as simple as :

> import shortuuid
> shortuuid.uuid()