Ubuntu 21.04 any screen recorders not working. Showing black screen only!

I've just installed Ubuntu 21.04. I used to install obs studio and Kazam to record my screen. In OBS-Studio if I select only window recording it records but the fullscreen option is not working recording only cursor. Any solutions?

Solution 1:

This may be because Ubuntu 21.04 uses Wayland by default, which restricts screen recording for "security".

In your login screen, you can switch to the "Ubuntu" session, which uses X.Org, and it should allow screen recording software to function properly.

enter image description here Image source: OMG! Ubuntu!

Solution 2:

I am using Ubuntu 21.10 with wayland just fine with a new screen recorder called Kooha (available on Flathub). It can record desktop and microphone audio to MP4 as well as Gif, and with selected area, monitor, or application window.

However, to get it to work I had to install the latest version of Pipewire Debian using the ppa, as the Pipewire version included with Ubuntu 21.04 was not compatible with Kooha:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install pipewire

Solution 3:

First, it uses Wayland. That means you need OBS studio 27 and higher, I recommend to use flatpak because it uses this by default, so it works just fine. Also, you can use Peek for screen recording. Apps like simple screen recorder are made for x11, not modern Wayland protocol

Solution 4:

I found a solution. In this file sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf uncomment this line WaylandEnable=false save and exit. Then run this command in the terminalsudo systemctl restart gdm3 Happy Ubuntu :)

Damn it, u should feel ashamed for this stupid joke. I have registered an account for everyone know. That made my laptop give error when starts ubuntu can't find VGA-1