How to mount a drive from terminal in Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

You can use pmount, from the manual page:

 pmount  ("policy mount") is a wrapper around the standard mount program
 which permits normal users to mount removable devices without a  match-
 ing /etc/fstab entry.

 pmount is invoked like this:

 pmount device [ label ]

 This  will  mount  device  to a directory below /media if policy is met
 (see below). If label is given, the mount point will  be  /media/label,
 otherwise it will be /media/device.

Solution 2:

Remember you've to make a directory first like this:

sudo mkdir /media/Name_of_directory

The above command will create a directory (folder) in media folder by replacing "Name_of_directory" with your providing folder name.

You can see drives numbers or id by:

sudo fdisk -l

Then mount the drive through:

sudo mount /dev/sda# /media/Name_of_directory

Where # must be replaced with legal number associated with your drives in Ubuntu (Linux Distro)

If you see this error:

mount: /media/sci: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/vdb, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

It means you still need to create a (new) file system. (Double-check that you really want to overwrite the current content of the specified partition! Replace X# accordingly, but double check that you are specifying the correct partition, e.g., sda2, sdb1):

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX#

Solution 3:

You can run fdisk -l to show you all the disk devices, or after mounting it in the GUI, drop down to the Terminal and run cat /proc/mounts and find your device that's mounted. You can then copy/paste that line from cat /proc/mounts into /etc/fstab and it'll be mounted at startup.

Solution 4:

This is a summary of the following guide which worked for me.

To automatically mount the drive in Ubuntu (without installing another package) you need to update /etc/fstab

First create a mount point, e.g.

sudo mkdir /data

Then get the Universal Unique ID for the device

sudo blkid

Then update fstab

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Adding a line like this at the bottom of the file

UUID=14D82C19D82BF81E /data    auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0


  • UUID=14D82C19D82BF81E is the UUID of the drive. You don't have to use the UUID here. You could just use /dev/sdj, but it's always safer to use the UUID as that will never change (whereas the device name could).
  • /data is the mount point for the device.
  • auto automatically mounts the partition at boot
  • nosuid specifies that the filesystem cannot contain set userid files. This prevents root escalation and other security issues.
  • nodev specifies that the filesystem cannot contain special devices (to prevent access to random device hardware).
  • nofail removes the errorcheck.
  • x-gvfs-show show the mount option in the file manager. If this is on a GUI-less server, this option won't be necessary.
  • 0 determines which filesystems need to be dumped (0 is the default).
  • 0 determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at boot time (0 is the default).

Solution 5:

devkit-disks will let you query and mount devices, with the --enumerate-device-files and --mount options respectively.