ssh tunnel for 443

I need get a file by a link (443), which is only possible from server B.

I have 3 servers, (A B C).

It is possible to access server B and download this file by wget from server C.

wget https://NAME:[email protected]/customerInfo/804-577823-10 --no-check-certificate
2021-06-18 16:18:01 (24,7 MB/s) - ‘804-577823-10’ saved [163/163]

From A to B, it is only allowed to use for port 22 (ssh), not port 443.

I need to make a tunnel, which will go through from A to B via 22 and download the file from C via wget port 443, exact the same way, as if I were on server B.

In short, I need a ssh tunnel from A to B and then I need to use port 443, for apply/download the file on C via wget from A, same way as on B.

I tried, but no success.

ssh -L 4433:C:443 -Nf B

I tried even with proxy, but no success.

wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=C https://NAME:[email protected]/customerInfo/804-577823-10 --no-check-certificate

Is it possible?

Thank you.


SERVER_A:443 -> ssh tunnel by port 22 through SERVER_B -> SERVER_C:443

So if I use on SERVER_A same link as on SERVER_B, I want to get file by wget from SERVER_C.

Simplest way is allow port 443 on SERVER_C for SERVER_A, but it is not possible in this case.

Allowed is only port 22 between SERVER_A and SERVER_B.

It is clearest now?


Solution 1:

It depends on who owns the servers in terms of permissions in order to determine what you are able to do. Also, what i do not quite understand is if this a one time download or you are in need of a permanent solution.

After reading your question I would go into server B with a secure shell.

$ ssh user@serverB

Then download the file from there. ( The point at the end is important)

$ scp -P 443 user@serverC:/path/to/file.txt  .

After this you can get send it to server A

$ scp file.txt user@serverA:~/

There are also more sophisticated solutions but it depends on your needs and freedom to act.


You can send a command to the server over ssh.

ssh user@serverB "wget your file at C"

You could do a double command like:

ssh user@serverB "wget your file @C:443  && scp file.txt you@serverA:~/"

But then you need to have serverB have his public certificates installed at serverA to go pass-wordless. The alternative is a 2 command script like explained above.