Wine Installation, seems it's broken with the new fresh Ubuntu 21.4 Realese, caused of some unmet dependencies. Please help

just then I was performing another new Ubuntu 21.04 installation, and today (not this error few weeks ago) I'm going to install Wine and now cannot be possible, because it say that I have the unmet dependencies.So the error by Terminal it's as following:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
winehq-staging: Depends: wine-staging (= 6.10 ~ hirsute-1)
E: Unable to fix problems, there are bad packages blocked.

Edit 2 :

to replay to @user535733, I made as following movements (as always but other times never gives me this error):

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

$ wget -nc

$ sudo apt-key add winehq.key

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common

$ sudo apt-add-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main"

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging

And come out the unmet dependencies error. I have installed Wine other times but I never got this type of error...

If I following the error to install wine-staging instead of winehq-staging (or even wine-stable doesn't change the resaults), with folowing command come out this error:

$ sudo apt install wine-staging

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libdbus-1-3: i386: It depends on: libsystemd0: i386 but is not installable

libpulse0: i386: Depends: libsystemd0: i386 but is not installable
libusb-1.0-0: i386: Depends: libudev1: i386 (> = 183) but is not installable
wine-staging-i386: i386: Depends: libudev1: i386 (> = 183) but is not installable
Recommend: libgtk-3-0: i386 but not installable
Recommend: libsane: i386 or
libsane1: i386 but is not installable

E: Unable to fix problems, there are bad packages blocked.

Anyone knows how to solve it?

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:

I can reproduce the problem on fresh 21.04 VM. WineHQ have broken dependencies in their repositories for all Wine subversions (stable, devel, staging).

So I would recommend the following:

  1. Remove WineHQ repository with

    sudo apt-add-repository -r "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main"
  2. Install PlayOnLinux with Wine 5.0.3 from official Ubuntu repository by

    sudo apt-get install playonlinux
  3. Install some application using PlayOnLinux wizard and then change needed Wine version for needed application/wine-prefix only for current user.