How do I extract data from a DataTable?

I have a DataTable that is filled in from an SQL query to a local database, but I don't know how to extract data from it. Main method (in test program):

static void Main(string[] args)
    const string connectionString = "server=localhost\\SQLExpress;database=master;integrated Security=SSPI;";
    DataTable table = new DataTable("allPrograms");

    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        Console.WriteLine("connection created successfuly");

        string command = "SELECT * FROM Programs";

        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(command, conn))
            Console.WriteLine("command created successfuly");

            SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

            Console.WriteLine("connection opened successfuly");
            Console.WriteLine("connection closed successfuly");


The command I used to create the tables in my database:

create table programs
    progid int primary key identity(1,1),
    name nvarchar(255),
    description nvarchar(500),
    iconFile nvarchar(255),
    installScript nvarchar(255)

How can I extract data from the DataTable into a form meaningful to use?

Solution 1:

The DataTable has a collection .Rows of DataRow elements.

Each DataRow corresponds to one row in your database, and contains a collection of columns.

In order to access a single value, do something like this:

 foreach(DataRow row in YourDataTable.Rows)
     string name = row["name"].ToString();
     string description = row["description"].ToString();
     string icoFileName = row["iconFile"].ToString();
     string installScript = row["installScript"].ToString();

Solution 2:

You can set the datatable as a datasource to many elements.

For eg




etc etc

If you need to extract data from each row then you can use



if you know the column name


If you need to iterate the table then you can either use a for loop or a foreach loop like

for ( int i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i ++ )
    string name = table.rows[i]["columnname"].ToString();

foreach ( DataRow dr in table.Rows )
    string name = dr["columnname"].ToString();