what does -display UNCLAIMED mean in response to sudo lshw -c video

'UNCLAIMED' means that no driver has been loaded for that card. If you take a look at this line:

       configuration: latency=0

If it had loaded the nvidia driver, it would look like this:

       configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0

How did you install the driver? Are you sure it was installed successfully?

First, check dkms to make sure the module says it's installed and that it matches your current kernel; your numbers might differ from this example:

$ dkms status nvidia
nvidia, 465.19.01, 5.4.0-74-generic, x86_64: installed
$ uname -r

If that's correct, check the log file at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and read through it, looking for any lines that contain NVIDIA or (EE) to see if the driver encountered any errors that might provide a clue as to what is going wrong.