How to disable tracker on ubuntu 20.04?

I purchased a new acer i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz × 8 laptop installed ubuntu 20.04 along with dual boot Windows. Whenever I start the laptop either in windows or ubuntu both are making very loud noise. I suspected fan was faulty so I gave it to replace it. Now the laptop came with replaced fan still it is creating too loud unbeareable noise. When I see the processes via top more than 100% cpu consumption is going on for tracker-miner-f and tracker-extract for at least more than half an hour. Please let me know what should I do get rid of this noise? You can see the screenshots of top command here.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Even if you disable all the Search functions in settings, the tracker stuff still runs. I don't have any use for it so I have found the following two commands seem to disable everything for me. I have not noticed any issues by doing this:

tracker reset --hard

systemctl --user mask tracker-{miner-apps,miner-fs,store}