What is known about the sum $\sum\frac1{p^p}$ of reciprocals of primes raised to themselves? [duplicate]

A very simple question, but I can't seem to find anything relating to it :

Is there any research, are there any results that have focused on or given insight on

$\sum 1/p^p$, ${p \in \mathbb P}$ ?

A very basic series, converges extremely fast, its value is around .29. What more can there be said about it ?

From what little I know about more advanced number theory, similar sequences (I can think of a few similar ones that I can't find any relevant research or results about) can be very non-trivial to compute or to analyse.

Solution 1:

This is OEIS A094289, where they have no information except computations of the value. This suggests the answer "no" to the question "is there any research ..."

Solution 2:

What more can there be said about it ?

Essentially nothing. Related series are

  • Sophomore's constant $\displaystyle C_s=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^n}$.

  • Prime zeta values $\displaystyle P(k)=\sum_{p\in\mathbb P}\frac{1}{p^k}$, with $k\in\mathbb N_{\ge 2}$.

No closed form expressions for these constants are known so far.

Solution 3:

it may not be elegant but as an idea $\sum = \sum_{n=1}^{n=5}1/{p^p} + \sum_{n=6}1/{p^p}$ and as per this leverage approximation / boundaries

$\log{n} + \log{\log{n}} - 1 < \frac{p_n}{n} < \log{n} + \log{\log{n}}$ for $n \geq 6$

and then look at convergence of $\sum_{n=6}$

Solution 4:

Other than its rational approximation

$$ \frac{5226294}{18187381}, $$

not much is known about this constant. In particular, its irrationality/transcendentality seems to be out of reach with current technology. However, it can be related to similar constants, such as:

  • The prime zeta function: $$ P(k)=\sum_{p\in\mathbb P}\frac{1}{p^k}, \ \ Re(k)>1, $$

  • $n$-ary representations of the Prime Constant: $$ f(k)=\sum_{p\in\mathbb P}\frac{1}{k^p}, $$

(noting that $f(2)$ is the Prime Constant $\rho=0.414682509\ldots$),

  • Sophomore's constant:

$$ C_s=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^n}. $$

As pointed out by others, there is more information on the OEIS website (A094289).