Disable Chrome session restore popup

Is there a way to permanently disable the Google Chrome session restore (see screenshot)?

It appears at almost every system start. Not everytime, which makes it difficult to reproduce. Also, I could not notice any relation to whether there was a previous crash or not.

enter image description here


Version in use: Google Chrome 68.0.3440.75

Chrome has a special flag to disable session restore window. But be aware options in chrome://flags are experimental and you may lose browser data or compromise your security or privacy.

Follow these steps:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Type chrome://flags/#infinite-session-restore in address bar (Crtl+L).
  • Click on the right drop-down menu and change the 'Default' value to 'Disable'. Then restart Chrome to apply that setting.

So what does this do? That option says -- "Reduces the number of tabs being loaded simultaneously during session restore, to improve responsiveness of the foreground tab". After disabling and restating Chrome, it relaunches chrome.exe with --disable-features=InfiniteSessionRestore option.

Edit the file located at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Right click "Preference" file and click edit. ctrl+f to find the following values, and change the value to:

"exit_type": "none",


Save the file, and change the attribute to "read only" so chrome can't change it back.

After @Biswarpriyo s Answer don't work anymore (the flag got removed), it is possible to start Chrome (tried it with 86.0.4240) with the --disable-session-crashed-bubble parameter.

For Linux: Just add it after the command in terminal. For example: chrome --disable-session-crashed-bubble

For Windows: You have to create a shortcut to chrome.exe (usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\ ) and add it to the target like described here

See my answer on how I resolved this for the Chromium on a raspberry pi.



(note: super-user remain in current user path, now using relative to local path)
chattr  +i  .config/chromium/Default/Preferences
chattr  +i  .config/chromium/'Local State'