To update or to not update?

Solution 1:

Security and agility should be balanced against stability and uptime when determining your patching strategy. Your push-back approach for this should be along the lines of 'Okay, but you need to know that we're now at risk of these servers becoming compromised and having our data stolen, or having the servers be rendered non-functional' and 'Okay, but you need to know that this impacts our vendor support for this system, and future ability to have this system interact with new systems'.

Against the longer-term 'not broke, don't update' mentality, you should make it clear that:

  • Migrating an unpatched legacy system that's fallen way behind over to a modern system is a much more expensive and painful process than gradually updating that system over time.
  • Experienced and skilled IT personnel actively seek out new technology and companies that are constantly evolving their IT systems. There's a very real dollar cost in turnover, lost opportunity, and loss of knowledge when a companies loses their highly engaged, creative IT staff due to their systems stagnating and becoming unappealing to work with. Then all you're left with are the 'lifers'.

Hope this gives you some leverage and best of luck in convincing the aboves to take things seriously. As always, establish a paper trail that proves you've apprised management of the risks they're taking.

Solution 2:

This is an endless debate and reasonable people will disagree. If you're talking about user PCs, I agree they need to be updated. If you're talking about servers, consider a separate policy for servers that face the internet and those that don't. I don't know about your servers but in my environment, maybe 10% of our servers have ports open to the internet. These internet-facing servers get highest priority when it comes to security patches. Servers that don't face the internet are lower priority.

Security gurus will argue that this approach is problematic because if a hacker ever does get into your network, the unpatched servers will allow exploits to fritter through the network like wildfire and that's a reasonable argument. Still, if you keep those internet-facing servers locked down tight and properly configure your firewall to only open those ports that are absolutely needed, I think this approach works and can often be used to appease managers that are afraid of patches.

If you're only relying on Windows Update for patches (you didn't mention which OS you're running but I'm mostly a Windows guy so this is my reference), take a look at the actual hotfixes that get released every month. I have some servers that if I run Windows Update on them I'll be told I need 50+ patches but if I scroll through those patches and research each of them, I'll find that 90% of the items being patches are not security related but fix bugs that affect services I don't run on that box. In larger environments where you use a patch management system, it's common to review everything that gets released and only bother with what is absolutely necessary and that usually amounts to about 10% of what Microsoft releases.

My argument is that this debate about "to patch or not to patch" suggests you have to be one one side or the other when, really, this is a huge grey area.

Solution 3:

I can only talk about servers but we have a 'Quarterly update' regime, on four predetermined and announced dates per year we bunch up update requests, apply them to our reference environment, run them for a month to test stability and if good roll out during the following n days/weeks. On top of this we apply an emergency update policy where we have the ability to deploy into reference, test and roll out urgent updates within a day or two if the severity is such - although this has only been used 2/3 times in the last 4 years or so.

This twin-approach ensures that our servers are reasonably, but not stupidly, up to date, that updates are driven by subject-matter-experts (i.e. firmware, drivers, OS, app staff) not vendors but that it also allows rapid fixes if required. Oh course we're lucky to have very few different hardware models across the whole business (<10 server varients) and sizable, and up to date, reference platforms to test against.

Solution 4:

I've worked at different firms that had policies all over the continuum from "apply patches ASAP, we don't care if they break something we have working -- we'll back them out then" to "nothing gets applied without two weeks of testing." Both extremes (and points in between) are fine as long as the Company understands the tradeoffs.

That's the important point: there is no right or wrong particular answer to this question; it's a matter of balancing stability vs. safety or features in your particular environment. If your management chain understands that delaying patches for testing may make them more vulnerable to malware, thats fine. Likewise, if they understand that applying patches as soon as they are available may not work or even break your particular system configuration, that is also fine. Problems exist when these tradeoffs are not understood.