Updating Azure Data Studio

I am using the Azure Data Studio Client App for managing Databases. Ubuntu 20.04. When I check for updates inside the AZ Data Studio i get a tar.gz in my downloads folder. No instructions as to what to do with the tar.gz. Does anyone know what I am supposed to do with this tar.gz?

Google seemed to have no answers i am a newbie at Linux. Sorry if this is obvious to to many. Thanks for your help! :)


  1. You can go to Download and install Azure Data Studio

  2. Download the .deb file

  3. Install it by running the following:

    cd ~
    sudo dpkg -i ./Downloads/azuredatastudio-linux-1.32.0.deb

    (At this time (10/10/2021) Version 1.32.0 is the latest, so replace that with whatever version you are installing)

  4. Run Azure Data Studio


It should be able to update your current version.