Solution 1:

There are a lot of different package formats in the Linux world. You need to use the one that is suitable for the kind of Linux you are using. To name just the most popular ones:

  • DEB for Debian (hence the name) and Ubuntu with all its flavours, using the dpkg and the higher-level apt package managers

  • RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) for Red Hat / Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva and more

  • AUR for Arch Linux and Manjaro, using the PacMan package manager

On Ubuntu, you need DEB packages. For very exceptional cases and if you are an advanced user, you can also install some others (e.g. RPM) if you know what you are doing, but for a novice Ubuntu user, I would not recommend that. Stick with DEB and use theapt command or the graphical synaptic.

So, try to find instructions for that program how to build DEB packages. Or check if maybe somebody already did that and provides those packages as a PPA. Or maybe it's already in the official Ubuntu repositories.

Solution 2:

You are using xubuntu whic means ubuntu based distribution, meanwhile AUR is a community-driven repository for Arch​-based linux distributions. Below are the things you can do as alternative:

  1. PPA. PPA (Personal Package Archives) is software repositories designed for Ubuntu based users. Similar to AUR, PPA is also maintained by user. You can install third party software or package which is not available in official repository easily by adding particular PPA repository in your sources.list. PPA also very recomended for user who wants something latest. Sometimes a package you want is available from official repository but the package is outdated, so PPA is the right choice. You can explore more about PPA and how to use it from google :)

  2. Build package manually. Most of AUR package are github downstream. It means the source of origianl package are from github. So what you can do is, visit the AUR package url then find Upstream URL or source in Package Details section, then you can follow the link that will direct you to the original source (github or any else). You can follow the installation guide from the original source which is more general for any linux distribution.