How to use the Clementine music player?

I get the impression that the Clementine music player is really good -- except that I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to use it. I can glean a little of that by trial and error, but that's a painful and inadequate way to learn it because it assumes familiarity with the underlying concepts such as playlists and how they are organized.

Is there a good guide to it somewhere? man clementine lists Clementine's features and lists various command line options for it, but has nothing on the user interface.

Edit: Under Tools, the very last item is a checkbox for "Show sidebar". That still doesn't explain anything, but at least it makes it easier to explore what is possible.

Edit 2: None of those sources has anything to say about how playlists work. In particular, the wiki says nothing about how to use them or the GUI.

There is a Wiki on their official Github site:
