Moving files between WSL and Windows

Relatively unexperienced user here.

Problem description: I am using a windows laptop to work (provided by my company) where I am using Widows subsystem for Linux. The reason I use Linux is because I have several scripts/tools that run on Linux only. I often need to move files from windows to linux and vice versa. Doing it from command line is a painful and long series of cd(s) and cd ..

Is there a recommended way to quickly access Windows folders from Linux and Linux from windows (e.g. powershell)? One of the main use cases is moving files from one system to the other.

now I do:

mv my_file new_path_to_my_file

The full path in windows is very long and error prone.

Thanks for the help!

Create a symlink within WSL/bash to the Windows path you want to simplify.

hbo@quark:~$ cd
hbo@quark:~$ pwd
hbo@quark:~$ ln -s  /mnt/c/Users/Howard\ Owen winhome
hbo@quark:~$ sudo ls winhome
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