difference betwen who and finger command in Unix/Linux?

Solution 1:

  1. finger, when pointed at a specific user, can display detailed information (shell, homedir, last login time, mailbox status, ~/.plan)

  2. finger can also be used over the network: finger @athena.dialup.mit.edu

  3. Because of #2, finger is also sometimes used for simplistic database queries: finger [email protected], finger [email protected], finger @bathroom.mit.edu

Solution 2:

$ man finger

  finger — user information lookup program

$ man who

   who - show who is logged on

Solution 3:

who tells you very basic information about what users are logged on. finger tells you personal information about a user, possibly including real name, office location, and office phone number. Obviously finger is less used now, for various reasons including privacy.

Note that finger has a long-form option, -l, that provides additional information.