Ubuntu 21.04: how to enable Wayland?

Hello I have upgraded to Hippo (Ubuntu 21.04), but my session is still using X11. At the login screen, the only choice I have are «Unity» or «Ubuntu». I guess this is probably because my current install is really old, but upgraded every 6 months. On my others computer, Hippo is running under Wayland by default. But is there a way to force Hippo to use Wayland, or at least to have it available as an option at the login screen ? Thanks a lot.

Solution 1:

If your 21.04 system determines that your hardware or environment is on the known-to-be-incompatible-with-Wayland list, then you won't be offered the choice.

If your hardware is not on the list, then you will get a Wayland session by default, and the choice to change to X.

"Forcing" known-to-be-incompatible hardware or environments to use Wayland is a very bad idea unless you are helping the Wayland developers test and debug. (If so, you wouldn't be asking the question here)

Earlier releases of Ubuntu have different behavior: Most defaulted to an X Session (17.10 defaulted to Wayland, reverted to X in 18.04). The transition to Wayland has been planned and tested for several years.