How to create a desktop shortcut to a Onedrive file
I would like to create a shortcut on my desktop to an Excel file located on OneDrive and having it open in Excel. (I'm using Windows7 and Office 2013)
Within Excel, I have retrieved the path to file ( But if I create a shortcut with Url it opens the file within my Browser and not within Excel.
The creation of a shortcut forcing the usage of Excel ("excel") fails at "The path does not exist".
Any other idea ?
Solution 1:
Instead of hacking internal paths, go native way referring to your locally stored synced copy of the OneDrive file:
- In Windows Explorer, open your OneDrive Personal Folder (typically it has a cloud icon)
- Right-click your file
- Select command Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
This way, you care only about your local copy of the file and you let OneDrive to do the sync with cloud version of the file – so you no longer need to use paths referring to cloud by yourself.
Solution 2:
Instead of using the http://...
shortcut, I used a shortcut starting with \\\DavWWWRoot\cxxxxxxxcexxxxx/Documents/myfile.xlsx
and it opens the file directly in Excel.
Solution 3:
Try using the full path to Excel in your shortcut rather than just 'excel'.
for example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\Excel.exe" ""
(path will vary depending on your version of Office, you'll need to look through Program Files yourself and find which path is correct)