Any lightweight video editors for Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Try LosslessCut. It will allow, "Lossless merge/concatenation of arbitrary files (with identical codecs parameters, e.g. from the same camera)".

Solution 2:

What you want to do is to concatenate two videos. This indeed can be done with a simple, linear video editor. Avidemux will be very suited for this task. As with your ffmpeg command, it will allow you to concatenate two video files without transcoding, i.e., without any loss in quality. Just like for ffmpeg, this requires your video files to be the same format (same codecs, same resolution).

There is more you can do with Avidemux. You can cut out pieces of the video, demux and mux different media streams, and transcode to another format.

Avidemux unfortunatelly is not available in the standard Ubuntu repositories for a long time. It is also not available in the Ubuntu snapstore. Fortunatelly, it is available as a stand-alone AppImage and if you enable flatpak on your system, it can be conveniently installed as a flatpak as well.

"Is there any online site or Ubuntu app to give above codes?"

There might be, but I did not find any (I did not search).