Facebook app domain name when using localhost

From a tutorial here:

I tried to set up a Local development Area for my Facebook app. But when I put "http://localhost:85/my_app/" as my domain name, Facebook says

App Domains: "http://localhost:85/app-name/" should not contain protocol information.

Also when I put "localhost:85/my_app/" as my domain name, I get the error:

App Domains: localhost:85/my_app/ is not a valid domain.

It seems like the protocol has been changed.

Here is my solution (I tested on 3rd April 2015 and it works well):

In Settings -> Basic tab

  1. App Domain: localhost
  2. Click "+Add Platform" and choose "Website"
  3. Site URL: http://localhost:<port>/ (<port> is your port number)
  4. Save Changes

My solution:

  1. Leave App Domains empty
  2. (Products) Facebook login > Settings
  3. Add http://localhost:85/my_app/ to Valid OAuth redirect URIs box
  4. Save Changes

  1. Leave App Domains empty
  2. Go to Website with Facebook Login
  3. Add http://localhost:port_number/
  4. Save changes and try again. For more information visit

http://developers.facebook.com/docs/samples/canvas/ Happy coding :-)