Use FFmpeg to split video into multiple scenes

@K7AAY is on the right track. The option label is preset. The output filename mask should be output%05d

But aside from the syntax errors, there are a couple of fundamental issues as well. Fragmented MP4 options are meant for when the segments are packaged within a single container file. The segment muxer emits multiple files so the MP4 muxer fragmentation can be skipped. Also, segment_time should be specified, and with a very low value, else GOPs of size less than the default value (2s) will be combined in some segments.

Command should be

ffmpeg -y -i myVideo.mp4 -vf yadif \
       -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -preset:v fast \
       -x264opts min-keyint=15:keyint=1000:scenecut=20 -b:v 2000k \
       -c:a aac -b:a 128k \
       -f segment -segment_format mp4 -segment_time 0.01 -segment_format_options movflags=faststart \

After replacing prese6t:v
with preset:v
because there's no "prese6t" option for ffmpeg

replace output%%05d.mp4
with output5d.mp4

as ffmpeg is rejecting output%%05d.mp4 as an invalid file name.