Difficulty importing numpy into python shell after installation

After installing numpy through pip in my command prompt then entering a python shell, I can't import numpy into the shell for use. I've uploaded a picture for reference; I have tried restarting my system but it didn't do anything. What am I doing wrong here?

enter image description here

EDIT: I've now tried uninstalling and reinstalling numpy using pip in the command prompt as suggested in the link below, and python still can't find numpy as a module; here is a picture of me doing so then trying to load numpy in a shell. Any help is greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

It is possible that your system is configured differently from mine. But on a fresh installation of Windows 10 Home, I was able to import numpy without any difficulties.

I installed numpy this way:

python -m pip install numpy


Screenshot of python repl session in Windows 10 PowerShell

And here is where the package was installed:

Screenshot of python site-packages contents