Understanding the multiplication of fractions [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Using the definition of a fraction we can reduce fraction multiplication to integer multiplication.

By definition $\ x = a/b\ $ is the unique solution of $\ \color{#c00}{b\,x=a}$

By definition $\ y = c/d\ $ is the unique solution of $\ \color{#0a0}{d\,y = c}$

Multiplying these equations $\,\Rightarrow\, \color{#c00}{bx}\:\!\color{#0a0}{dy} = \color{#c00}a\:\!\color{#0a0}c\ $ so $\ \color{#0a0}x\:\!\color{#c00}y = \dfrac{ac}{bd},\ $ i.e. $\ \color{#0a0}{\dfrac{a}b}\color{#c00}{\dfrac{c}d} = \dfrac{ac}{bd}$

Remark $ $ We implicitly used basic laws of the underlying ring of integers $\,\Bbb Z,\,$ (notably that multiplication associative & commutative, and $\,b,d\neq0\,\Rightarrow\, bd\neq 0)$

Analogous "reductionist" arguments apply elsewhere, e.g.

By definition $\ x = \sqrt2 \ $ is the unique solution $>0\,$ of $\ x^2 = 2$

By definition $\ y = \sqrt 3\ $ is the unique solution $>0\,$ of $\ y^2 = 3$

Multiplying these equations $\,\Rightarrow\, (xy)^2= 6\ $ thus $\ xy = \sqrt 6,\ $ i.e. $\ \sqrt2 \sqrt 3 = \sqrt 6,\,$ which reduces the multiplication of algebraic integers to that of integers, analogous to above, where we reduced the multiplication of fractions to the multiplication of (a pair of) integers above.

Generally the properties of the extended number systems follow from the fact that we desire (so require) it to have the same algebraic structure (e.g. satisfy ring axioms) as the base structure, i.e. we wish the essential arithmetical laws to persist in the extended number system. This was the principle that guided many extensions of number systems historically (e.g. see the Hankel or Peacock Permanence Principle), which nowadays is a basic constituent of the axiomatic method.