current running applications not showing in side menu bar in Ubuntu

I have recently upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, and in Ubuntu 20.04 when I am running any app then icon of that app is not showing in sidebar.

enter image description here

in this Image we can see that few applications are running but their icons are not showing in right sidebar. How can I solve this issue ?


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Release: 20.04

Codename: focal

Solution 1:

Difficult to tell exactly from your graphic but have you set to auto hide the dock?

The Dock will automatically hide when any window overlaps or gets in close proximity to it.

Go to > Settings > Appearance > Dock

enter image description here

If it is set, then unset it by clicking on the slider
(in my example graphic it is shown to be set)

Solution 2:

EDIT 2: The correct answer is here -

Leaving info below on the off chance that it is also useful...

I had the same problem on a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04. Turns out that Gnome Tweaks had Ubuntu dock turned off.

  1. Bring up the application launcher (for lack of a better way of describing it, hit the "windows" key")
  2. Type "tweaks"
  3. In the extensions section, find "Ubuntu dock" and switch it on.

Ensure Ubuntu Dock is turned on in the extensions section of "tweaks"

If you don't already have the tweak tool, you can install it like this -

EDIT 1: Toggling "Ubuntu Dock" seems to make the sidebar update on toggle, but it holds it's state after that. Can't seem to get it to live update as applications are opened / closed. Further investigation and tinkering required.