Can I buy Xbox Live games via PC and transfer them on a flash drive to a Xbox 360 internal HDD?

Due to the region restriction I cannot access Xbox Live on my Xbox, even if I purchased a Gold membership. However it seems that I can purchase games from Xbox Live Marketplace on a PC. I assume this means I can then download them on the PC, and I would like to know if I can transfer them through a flash drive to the 250GB internal HDD of my Xbox 360 console, and then run them from the HDD.

Solution 1:

You have the option of purchasing games for download to an xbox with your profile on it, however, you can NOT download xbox games to the PC and then transfer to your xbox.

Quite the opening for piracy if you could.

I speak from experience in purchasing games online. After buying ANY non-avatar item in the Marketplace you will be presented with a notification stating that your item will be downloaded to your 360 and will appear in your My Games list after it has been downloaded.

It is also entirely possible that the full Xbox Live (Marketplace et al.) is not available in Romania. While it may be a market for Xboxes to exist, governmental issues may be blocking access. If you wish to attempt to play on Xbox Live, Try finding a proxy to run through, I can't go further into detail as I've never had to look that information up. I also don't know international law or the conflicts invited therein.

Source: Purchase of DLC for Might and Magic (Free Game of October 1-14) made message