Why am I getting locked into 'Activities/Overview' after Super Key on Ubuntu 21.04

This appears to be a bug in the current Ubuntu 21.04 release.

If you are using XOrg, you can restart GNOME shell.

Type AltF2, then type the r key in the "Run a Command" dialog and press Enter.

This will restart GNOME Shell, and you do not have to log out or lose your work.

To use XOrg instead of Wayland...

  1. On the GDM Login Screen, click your user name
  2. Before entering the password, click the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen
  3. Select "Ubuntu on Xorg"
  4. Type your user's password, and press Enter

To verify you are using XOrg...

  1. Open System Settings
  2. Select "About" from the left panel
  3. Confirm "Windowing System" is "X11"

The next time you log in with this user, Ubuntu will default to XOrg.

Then, if you ever get locked in the Activities Overview, simply restart GNOME Shell using the procedure above.


I've opened a bug report, Unable to exit Activities Overview in Ubuntu 21.04, for this issue against gnome-shell.

If you are impacted by this issue, it is critical that you create an account on Launchpad and mark yourself as impacted.

If the developers do not know that multiple users are affected and are looking for a fix, they will not fix this bug.