What are uBlock Origin hotkeys?

uBlock Origin certainly has hotkeys, as I've invoked the program accidentally by pressing keys and the developer has participated in a related discussion on the Github page.

In particular a hotkey for the element picker would improve workflow as I already have thousands of cosmetic and network filters.

uBlock Origin hotkeys (shortcuts) can now be modified on the "shortcuts" tab in the extension settings (1.16.16 release, Firefox-only).


UPDATE: Use "Manage extension shortcuts" in about:addons

enter image description here

Note that native Firefox shortcuts can't be overridden.

For Chromium or Chrome:

Now you can add custom shortcut from extensions page.

Go to: Menu -> More Tools -> Extensions.

enter image description here

Click on left menu button and Keyboard Shortcuts.

Find uBlock and assign your shortcut like below screenshot:

enter image description here