How to remove 'Unknown Locale (qaa-Latn)' from fresh Windows Server installation?

I just installed Windows Server 2016 in a development virtual machine and strangely there is an 'Unknown Locale (qaa-Latn)' listed in my language / input list (in the task bar) and it doesn't show up anywhere in the 'Clock, Language and Region' and > Language areas of the control panel nor in the newer Windows Settings dialog.

I have no idea how it got there and how I would remove it as it isn't listed anywhere explicitly.

Is there any way to remove this locale?

Update with more Details: This is/was a bare bones, fresh installation (using the Feb 2018 MSDN imnge of Windows Server 2016.. and I also tried re-installing it, again.. as new installation based on the RTM version of Server 2016 standard) without any 3rd party software. The only 'special' part is that it's running as a Hyper-V virtual machine (with Windows 10 Enterprise N being the host OS).

enter image description here

I've just gone through the hassle of removing qaa-Latn. Hopefully, this will help others and the future me. In the Admin PowerShell, type:

$LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList
Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList -Force

Then go to Settings (Win+I) / Language settings, and just remove QAA-LATN from there:

enter image description here

Or use another PowerShell script:

$LanguageList = Get-WinUserLanguageList
$Language = $LanguageList | where LanguageTag -eq "qaa-Latn"
Set-WinUserLanguageList $LanguageList -Force

Updated, it just happened again after another Windows 10 update. This time I've simply reset the language list to one default language (en-US):

Set-WinUserLanguageList en-US -Force

Updated, if you also want to get rid of unwanted Win10 language packs, here is how.

Go to Language Preference, look for language qaa-Latn, add it and change Keyboard to the German keyboard then will update the registry..afterwards you can delete it and it will disappear