How do I install remastersys?

I was following instruction from to install remastersys in my system. On apt-get update always get error that the could not find correct structure of URL.

Any help?

Solution 1:

You can install Remastersys in Ubuntu 12.04

As root - issue

'sudo su' 

in the terminal window prior to the following command.

wget -O - | apt-key add -

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following line

#Remastersys Precise
deb precise main

Now open the terminal and type

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install remastersys remastersys-gui

Here is the screenshot

enter image description here


Solution 2:

Two things - one; I believe they've started up work on Remastersys again.

Two; Relinux seems nice and has a purpose, but it is NOT the same as Remastersys. When it comes to creating installable live CD clones of a system with its installed software, it fails miserably. With Relinux, you get the base OS, plus whatever packages you include via Relinux. Very nice, to be sure, but a far cry from Remastersys's simple elegance of just grabbing and wrapping up everything exactly as it is for your later live-disc amusement.

Relinux may be "better" at making a particular distro, but FAILS MISERABLY if what you want is a live image of your current system.

Solution 3:

Its happening because there is a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Either remove or comment this out:-

deb-src precise main

Solution 4:

-Remastersys is no longer supported, actually-. There is a new project, Relinux, that aims to be better than Remastersys ever was, while allowing you to do the same thing (remaster your system).

See this blog for full details:

Solution 5:

Since the web site now seems to have disappeared permanently, the above instructions don't work as they rely on downloads from the website.

This is what I did to get a copy of Remastersys 3.0.4-2 running on Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. Go to this website: and search for, then download the following files:

    remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_i386.deb (32-bit)
    remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_amd64.deb (64-bit)

  2. Install as follows:

    sudo apt-get install plymouth-x11       
    sudo dpkg -i remastersys_3.0.4-2_all.deb  
    sudo dpkg -i remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_i386.deb     (32 bit)
    sudo dpkg -i remastersys-gui_3.0.4-1_amd_64.deb   (64 bit)
  3. If you have unmet dependencies run:

    sudo apt-get -f install
  4. Launch Remastersys as follows:

    sudo remastersys-gui

    This will bring up the usual Remastersys GUI menu.