What are the recipes in the Secret Lab?

The lab notes give you hints on how to make potions. What are the actual recipes?
Here are the notes:

  • For health, split MMX in two to find your quantities. Chlorine will give you your ingredients, but remember to keep it sweet.
  • For strength, stand in front of a mirror while making a health potion.
  • Regeneration is more difficult to accomplish. Gold must be combined in equal part with a hard substance in a multiple of Calcium, then the solution should be brought to the boil. While simmering, add a tenth of health potion ingredients. Once the flask is cool again you should have your potion.
  • Fire is initially the same as a regeneration potion, but only add half of the initial ingredients. While simmering, instead of a health tonic, sprinkle an equal amount of powder as gold into the mixture.

Here's how to solve the riddle:

MMX is roman numerals. Take that number, and 'split' it (not divide). You should have two numbers. The chemical symbol for Chlorine gives you two letters that denote the ingredients.

Standing in front of a mirror reverses things.

What element at your disposal best represents Gold? What element is the hardest? What is the atomic number of Calcium?

What element at your disposal best represents powder?

And for the lazy, here's the actual quantities:

* Health: 20 candies, 10 lollipops
* Strength: 10 candies, 20 lollipops
* Regen: 20 Coins, 20 Gobstoppers, and 2 candies and a lollipop added while boiling
* Fire: 10 Coins, 10 Gobstoppers, and 10 dust added while boiling

There is fifth recipe, a secret one in the source-code.

It involves mixing a certain amount of all 5 basic ingredients.


The secret recipe involves mixing 10 of each of the 5 basic ingredients.

The recipe...

Makes everything explode, so maybe it's not such a good idea...