Dynamically resizing Image-maps and images
I wrote a small little lib to keep an imageMap scaled to a resizable image, so the map stays in sync as the image scales. Useful when you want to map a percentage scaled image etc.
It can be used with or without jQuery.
and you can see it working at.
If you end up to do the task with JavaScript, here is a cross-browser codesnippet to resize all areas in MAP
window.onload = function () {
var ImageMap = function (map) {
var n,
areas = map.getElementsByTagName('area'),
len = areas.length,
coords = [],
previousWidth = 1920;
for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
coords[n] = areas[n].coords.split(',');
this.resize = function () {
var n, m, clen,
x = document.body.clientWidth / previousWidth;
for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
clen = coords[n].length;
for (m = 0; m < clen; m++) {
coords[n][m] *= x;
areas[n].coords = coords[n].join(',');
previousWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
return true;
window.onresize = this.resize;
imageMap = new ImageMap(document.getElementById('map_ID'));
must be equal to the width of the original image. You also need to use some relative units in HTML:
<div style="width:100%;">
<img id="Image-Maps_5201211070133251" src="Site.png" usemap="#Image-Maps_5201211070133251" border="0" width="100%" alt="" />
Working demo at jsFiddle. If you open the fiddle in IE, you can actually see AREA
s when clicking them.
As a class (ES6):
class ResponsiveImageMap {
constructor(map, img, width) {
this.img = img;
this.originalWidth = width;
this.areas = [];
for (const area of map.getElementsByTagName('area')) {
element: area,
originalCoords: area.coords.split(',')
window.addEventListener('resize', e => this.resize(e));
resize() {
const ratio = this.img.offsetWidth / this.originalWidth;
for (const area of this.areas) {
const newCoords = [];
for (const originalCoord of area.originalCoords) {
newCoords.push(Math.round(originalCoord * ratio));
area.element.coords = newCoords.join(',');
return true;
var map = document.getElementById('myMapId');
var image = document.getElementById('myImageId');
new ResponsiveImageMap(map, image, 800);
You can multiply the coordinates by the ratio of the original image and the styled image.
<img id="paredea" usemap="#PAREDE-A" src="https://i.imgur.com/o9nrUMR.png">
<map name="PAREDE-A">
<area id="paredea0" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia A')">
<area id="paredea1" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia B')">
<area id="paredea2" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia C')">
<area id="paredea3" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia D')">
<area id="paredea4" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia E')">
<area id="paredea5" shape="rect" onclick="alert('comeia F')">
<area id="paredea6" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia G')">
<area id="paredea7" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia H')">
<area id="paredea8" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia I')">
<area id="paredea9" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia J')">
<area id="paredea10" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia K')">
<area id="paredea11" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia L')">
<area id="paredea12" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia M')">
<area id="paredea13" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia N')">
<area id="paredea14" shape="rect" onclick="alert('colmeia O')">
var coordsA = [];
coordsA[0] = "0,0,200,130";
coordsA[1] = "200,0,400,130";
coordsA[2] = "400,0,600,130";
coordsA[3] = "600,0,800,130";
coordsA[4] = "800,0,1000,130";
coordsA[5] = "0,160,200,240";
coordsA[6] = "200,160,400,240";
coordsA[7] = "400,160,600,240";
coordsA[8] = "600,160,800,240";
coordsA[9] = "800,160,1000,240";
coordsA[10] = "0,270,200,400";
coordsA[11] = "200,270,400,400";
coordsA[12] = "400,270,600,400";
coordsA[13] = "600,270,800,400";
coordsA[14] = "800,270,1000,400";
function setcoords(areaid, totalOfAreas) {
document.getElementById('paredea').style.width = "auto";
var width1 = document.getElementById('paredea').width;
document.getElementById('paredea').style.width = "100%";
var width2 = document.getElementById('paredea').width;
var ratio = width2 / width1;
for (var i = 0; i < totalOfAreas; i++) {
var temp = coordsA[i].split(",");
var newcoords = "";
for (var j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) {
temp[j] *= ratio;
newcoords += temp[j] + ",";
newcoords = newcoords.substr(0, newcoords.length - 1);
document.getElementById(areaid + i).coords = newcoords;
window.onload = function () {
setcoords("paredea", 15);
window.onresize = function () {
setcoords("paredea", 15);