Software to utilize digital pen or graphics tablet on Ubuntu 20.04

I bought recently this laptop, and it comes with a digital pen. Ubuntu 20.04 detects the pen. What all apps can I use to utilize the pen?

Solution 1:

For taking notes

To draw and take notes, you can use Xournal++, an actively maintained free and open source program.

enter image description here (Image credit - Xournal++ readme)

Enter the following commands in a terminal to install it from its stable PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/xournalpp-stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install xournalpp

Alternatively, you can use the .deb package, or the flatpak version, as described in the readme of the project.

For drawing

You can use Krita to draw and create professional graphics. It has a lot of features. Many tutorials are available online (and also in youtube).

krita screenshot

sudo apt install krita

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the development of either Krita or Xournal++, but I am the maintainer of the stable PPA for Xournal++.