Phenomenon of learning a new word that you've never seen before, and then seeing it being used [duplicate]

Most of us have had the experience of stumbling over a new fact or bit of knowledge and then finding several more references to it in the near future. For example, you see a strange word which you're forced to look-up and then the next day the same word appears in the headline of your local paper. There's a term for this phenomenon but I've been unable to track it down. Can anyone help?

I think you might be thinking of synchronicity.

As others note, some call it the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon and it is somewhat close to synchronicity. It is also related to the recency effect. The psychological term for it seems to be the primacy effect or priming

It's called the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Read more on Damn Interesting.

That would be a form of confirmation bias. "Synchronicity" is a pop-psychology term.